Course curriculum

    1. Welcoming back Asherah, co-creator of existence

    2. What is Feminine energy?

    3. The Moon and Feminine Energy

    4. Understanding the Wounded feminine

    5. Meditation: Awakening the Divine Feminine Within.

    1. The Story of El

    2. The Divine Masculine

    3. Understanding the Wounded Masculine

    4. Why the Sun is Masculine?

    5. Meditation: Healing the Masculine

    1. The Dance: The reason and the purpose

    2. Transforming Relationships

    3. Transforming a negative relationship - exercises

    4. The Moon Phases: A guide to Productivity and Self-care.

    5. The Sun: A guide to Productivity and Self-care.

    6. Female Bio-hack cycle-sync

    7. Cacao Spirit Plant Medicine of the Divine Feminine Energy

    8. Modern Sexuality

    1. Conclusion

    2. Congrats! Here's what's next...

    3. More resources for you

About this course

  • $133.33
  • 26 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content
  • Discovery Journal
  • Community Group

Embrace the Celestial Dance

Embrace the Divine Feminine and Masculine Energies Within You for Personal and Spiritual Growth. Join Now!