Money Mindset Program
Break Through Your Money Blocks & Live in Divine Abundance!
When it comes to money, sooner or later there's a wake-up call that happens for each of us.
Why? Because if money blocks like these have taken control of your life, it’s time to do something about it:
Being too busy or out of time to figure out how to take your income to a new level
Feeling as if there is an invisible glass money ceiling keeping you from achieving success
Avoiding looking at your bank account or ‘dealing with money’
Making “just enough” to get by, no matter how successfully your career or your business is going
Feeling resentment about wealthy people, believing their focus on money is unhealthy
Undercharging in your business but you can’t see how you could charge more
Fearing you’ll have to work harder to make more, which keeps you stuck where you are
Often being tapped by family or friends when they need money (and feeling guilty if you can’t always help them out)
Yearning to make more money but afraid it might change who you are
Stressed out by the endless squabbles you and your spouse/partner have about money
Did you know that you CAN get rid of unconscious money blocks and press reset on a fresh money story, starting today? Here’s how …
Within you is a unique “money code” called your Sacred Money Archetypes®. Once you discover what YOUR money archetypes are, it will feel as if all the puzzle pieces of your life easily fall into place:
You understand what makes you tick when it comes to money (freeing you from negative self –judgment)
You discover what your 3 core money strengths are (and how to use them to make more money in your business or career
You’re free to make decisions from a place of empowerment, not fear (the freeing quality of relief that you’ll feel will immediately open new opportunities for you)
You no longer fall prey to unconscious sabotaging behavior (it’s a blessing to be in control of your life in this way, authentically and easily)
You know what to do and what to say when someone you care about is “pushing your money boundaries”
You feel confident and ready to make new decisions about your business (or career) that will take your income to a new level
Those stressful squabbles with your loved ones about money? Gone, because now you have the understanding and tools to come from your highest, best self
The Financial Alchemy Program
THIS is WHY I created it:
In my business as a Soul Clarity Life Coach I far too often find loving, heart-centered people living in restriction and lack. The fact is when good people have money they do good things - the more money they have the more good they do! Over and over I kept seeing how people were stuck in limiting beliefs, negative programs and miss-understandings around financial abundance. I too had been there in my life, living always nervous about the next bill, never knowing if I would have enough and sacrificing from one area of my life to support another. It's not meant to be this way. I knew this deep inside, but it wasn't until I went through these very same exercises I am sharing with you that my life transformed from financial fear, scarcity and avoidance to secure, confident and free. As Divine Beings we are meant to live in abundance and this includes financial. Financial Alchemy is about empowering your money mindset and unlocking money's magical power to enrich our lives and the lives of those around us.
The Financial Alchemy Program is for you if you’re ready to get rid of unconscious money blocks and press reset on a fresh money story…one that helps you finally feel that you are whole, aligned and on purpose with money.
Here’s how The Financial Alchemy Program Works:
You’ll discover YOUR Sacred Money Archetypes®. You’ll learn all about your unique strengths and challenges with money, and discover an easy way to get started creating a fresh money story.
You'll get 6 incredibly inspiring and highly productive modules full of transformative lessons with me on how to use the power of your Sacred Money Archetypes® to get rid of unconscious money blocks, and create a new approach to money in your life and business or career.
These coaching sessions are video recordings available for your convenience on the course platform.
I'll personally coach you through exciting, step by step exercises that dive deep and reveal exactly how to get rid of unconscious money blocks and create new, empowered money actions in your business or career, life and even in your relationships.
You get personalized action steps in each coaching session, designed to help you immediately apply what you are discovering so you begin right away to see real change in your day-to-day life.
Included in your program is a PDF set of Sacred Money Archetypes® cards. These gorgeous, full color cards show you in vivid detail your strengths, gifts, challenges and more…explaining what makes YOU tick when it comes to money.
A beautiful 32 page workbook to keep all your material together and organized.
You will be supported with community through our Private Facebook Group full of resources, encouragement, and extra training. Share your struggles and be encouraged, share your wins and be celebrated, ask your questions and be answered.
BONUS Program!! The 5 Steps to Manifesting & The 5 Challenges. This course walks you through step by step the manifesting process and reveals the Secrets rarely talked about, these secrets are the 'missing link' to manifesting anything you want! Plus the program identifies and helps you navigate the top 5 challenges we do to ourselves to sabotage our efforts AND how to overcome them..
Results of the Financial Alchemy Program
This is a list of SOME of the results you can expect from this program. The true benefits of a healthy money mindset and financial awareness is immeasurable! Truly life changing.
You will make financial decisions easier.
You will feel AND be more positive about money.
You will feel a surge in your self-worth.
You will see an increase in your financial balances.
You will know how to have open-hearted and productive money conversations.
You will have more money for the people, experiences and goodies you want in your life.
You will have more to give because you will know what to say yes to, and what to say no to.
You will feel empowered to make new choices that make you happier.
Course curriculum
Getting to Know You, Personal Insights
Clean Up Money Clutter
Get Out of Debt Step 1, 2, 3.

About this course
- $1,111.00
- 47 lessons
- 8 hours of video content
Meet Your Guide & Creator of the Financial Alchemy Money Bootcamp